Impeccable Lalić triumphs at third Kingston summer blitz

Peter Lalić scored a perfect 6/6 to win the final blitz of the summer break, with David Rowson and newcomer Zubair Froogh taking second and third

In the absence of his usual high-class adversaries David Maycock, Vladimir Li, Peter Large and Graeme Buckley, Kingston’s third summer blitz proved something of a walk in the park – or perhaps a stroll in the Willoughby Arms garden – for Peter Lalić. He dispatched his six opponents (including your hapless correspondent) with his usual aplomb, his toughest game perhaps being his first, when Homayoon Froogh had excellent drawing chances which he would almost certainly have converted but for the exigencies of time – the control was three minutes with a seven-second increment.

David Rowson put in an excellent performance, scoring 5/6 and losing only to the tournament winner in round 4, and Zubair Froogh (son of Homayoon) came clear third on 4/6. There were a host of players on 3/6, including Alicia Mason, juniors William Lin and Jaden Mistry, and former club chair Peter Roche, making his first appearance at the Willoughby since the pandemic. Peter plans to make a welcome return to league chess next season. Charlie Cooke and Dominic Fogg also put in solid performances to finish on 3/3.

The tournament was played in the beach huts in the Willoughby garden – a brave decision on the part of co-organiser Greg Heath given the autumnal evening temperatures. The real hero of the evening was Malcolm Mistry, who volunteered to do the pairings and run the tournament when it became clear that club secretary David Bickerstaff (stranded somewhere by an unexpected tide) would not make it to the pub in time. Given that Malcolm stepped in at the eleventh hour, he conducted the tournament with exemplary and (since he has now proved his efficiency for future tournaments) dangerous aplomb.

Malcolm was awarded one of the four prizes, with the leading trio taking the other three. The prize fund – a box of chocolates and three high-class chocolate bars – was the edible equivalent of £12.65. Never let it be said that we don’t know how to incentivise our players at Kingston.

Final standings – top three

Peter Lalić 6/6
David Rowson 5/6
Zubair Froogh 4/6
