South Norwood 1 v Kingston 2, Surrey League division 2 match played at West Thornton Community Centre on 16 January 2025
This was the proverbial six-pointer. Lose and we would be sucked into a relegation dogfight in ultra-competitive Surrey League division 2, where Kingston 2 face three first teams and Guildford’s strong second team. Win and we would at least have some breathing space, with our opponents on the night South Norwood facing the dreaded drop.
There was thus a good deal at stake as we set off on the longish journey south. I had chosen a strong team, with IM John Hawksworth facing the anticipated threat of the highly rated Marcus Osborne on board 1; the evergreens Peter Andrews, John Foley and Alan Scrimgour on 2, 3 and 4; Stephen Lovell and Jon Eckert on 5 and 6; and debutant Zubair Froogh on 7. This was Zubair’s first ever classical rated game – he had played a lot as a junior but very little over the past 15 years. On the strength of a few rapidplay games against him, I decided to blood him in this important match.
He was up against South Norwood stalwart Ken Chamberlain, and I was worried about his position early on after he had castled queenside. This was how the game looked after 20 moves, with White to play:
The next game to finish was South Norwood captain Simon Lea against Stephen Lovell on board 5. Stephen has played very little chess over the past 10 years, but he is a strong player and probably a bit better than his current estimated rating of 1885 suggests. Stephen, with Black, played a very exact technical game, went a pawn up early on and never really relented, allowing his opponent little counterplay and eventually winning a second pawn to force resignation.
Jon Eckert played a powerful attacking game with White against Ibrahim Abouchakra on board 6 and eventually won queen for rook to make the result of the game a formality. That made it 3-0 to Kingston and we could start to breathe more easily. Peter Andrews’ game against Paul Dupré on board 2 was complicated and John Hawksworth appeared to have the worst of the position and a big time disadvantage on board 1, but John Foley and Alan Scrimgour were doing well on boards 3 and 4, and a single point from those two games would be enough to win the match.
Alan was up against Ron Harris, who plays very aggressively and at lightning speed. Alan was ready for this, though, and with White played forcefully in the opening to establish an advantage in this position:
Alan’s win made it 4-0 and the match was in the bag, but there were still three fierce struggles under way on the top boards. John Foley, with Black, had turned down a draw offer from Oliver Weiss on board 3 and was pressing for a win. His chance to seal the deal came in the position below, but with time short the winning move can often prove elusive:
Peter Andrews and Paul Dupré were having a ding-dong struggle on board 2. Peter had a small plus in the early middlegame, but then things started to go badly wrong, as he explains.
That left just one game in progress – Marcus Osborne versus IM John Hawksworth on board 1 – and what a game it was. Baffling to onlookers and at times possibly to the players as well. Marcus had blitzed out the opening moves, and at one point John was almost an hour behind on the look. To eventually win the game was little short of miraculous. John has been out of chess for more than 30 years, and has been feeling his way back in over the past few months. To win here against a player of Marcus’s quality and resilience suggests he is well and truly back in the groove.
John has annotated his win for the Games section. The victory made the final score in the match 5.5-1.5, and we can now start to believe that we will survive in Surrey division 2 for another season. South Norwood would have to take a point off either Wimbledon 1 or Surbiton 1 away to consign us to bottom place, and that will not be easy against two very strong teams who could hold their own in Surrey division 1.
Stephen Moss, Kingston 2 captain in Surrey division 2