Category Archives: Games

Leonard Barden v Bill Booth

Simultaneous game played to mark the centenary of Kingston Chess Club in 1975

Bill Waterton (subsequently club president) and Bill Booth (the then current president) were club stalwarts. They both managed to draw with the master Leonard Barden when he came to give a simultaneous display. The prize was a signed book.

Bill Booth recalled the exhibition fondly1.

It wasn’t scintillating chess, and it wasn’t a victory, but I did once draw a game with Leonard Barden, still chess correspondent for the London ‘Evening Standard’.

It was in a simultaneous match at Kingston Chess Club in 1975 when he was playing 16 others as well as me. Not a big deal, but I did gain some satisfaction from not being beaten by the former British champion and member of the Olympic team.

  1. Archived copy of the Kingston Chess Club website. ↩︎

Leonard Barden v Bill Waterton

Simultaneous game played to mark the centenary of Kingston Chess Club in 1975

The game was originally published on an older version of the Kingston website and was from there included in the BritBase collection of Leonard Barden’s games.