Author Archives: Stephen Moss

About Stephen Moss

Stephen is an author of books on cricket and chess and a journalist with the Guardian.

CSC/Kingston 1 reach dizzy heights of 4NCL Div 1

An extraordinary and stressful final 4NCL weekend of the season saw CSC/Kingston 1 win promotion to division 1 and CSC/Kingston 2 go down to division 4, leaving tricky questions for the squad for next season.

What drama there was in Daventry and Telford at the denouement of the 2023/24 4NCL season. At Daventry, CSC/Kingston 1 played superbly to win all three of their matches and secure second place in the final table and promotion to division 1 of the league, where teams with clusters of GMs await. Anyone fancy playing Alexei Shirov next season? Actually all our leading players will fancy it – and will give a very good account of themselves.

IM Vladyslav Larkin, who made a brilliant debut for CSC/Kingston 1, beating GM and three-times British champion Jonathan Mestel and scoring 2.5/3, would certainly be up for the challenge. As would CM David Maycock (pictured above), who scored 3/3 over the final weekend to complete a tremendous 4NCL season in which he scored 9.5/11 and racked up a rating over the 11-round competition of 2550-plus. It was more than enough for a nailed-on IM norm, except that one of the opposing teams at the final weekend managed not to give him the titled player he needed to satisfy that requirement. Very disappointing for David, and indeed infuriating for the entire team. That we did not let our fury destabilise us and kept our eye on the promotion prize made the success all the more admirable.

At Telford, valiantly though CSC/Kingston 2 battled, all the results went against us and we were relegated from division 3 (knights) to division 4. Having such a gulf between the two teams makes squad management difficult, and it is imperative that we work hard to get a team back into division 3 next year. Division 3 is perfect for players rated 2000-plus – highly competitive, with good games guaranteed in every round. Division 4 can be more hit and miss, with a big gap between the strong teams and the rest.

A word for CSC/Kingston 3, who performed creditably all season in division 4 and ended in the top half of the 27-team table (might there be scope for making 4NCL a five-division league?). Jon Eckert should be mentioned in dispatches: he played every round and drove thousands of miles to ensure that he and his team-mates were at the venues in good time. On a given Saturday or Sunday, especially when the team was playing in Telford, he would spend five hours playing and more than that driving up from London and back. Utterly exhausting and truly selfless. It is not just the first team that has heroes.

The three teams were as always excellently managed by team captains Kate and Charlie Cooke, who handled the logistics of getting 20 players per round to distant motorway hotel locations with aplomb. How they do it I have no idea. It requires the motivational powers of Alex Ferguson and the operational nous of a food distribution company. Well done to them and well done to the players who got CSC/Kingston 1 to the top of the mountain. Now, how do we set about establishing a serious foothold there?

All the results from the weekend’s three rounds are shown below, as well as the final tables.

Stephen Moss, Kingston Chess Club secretary

CSC/Kingston 1

CSC/Kingston 2

CSC/Kingston 3

Kingston secure historic Alexander Cup hat-trick

Kingston v Wimbledon, Alexander Cup final, played at the Willoughby Arms, Kingston, on 2 May 2024

As far as Kingston are concerned, Alexander cups are like buses. Until 2022, in our post-pandemic golden period, we hadn’t won one since 1976. Now, with this 7-3 victory over a strong Wimbledon team, we have chalked up three in a row.

This is the first hat-trick of Alexander cups (Surrey’s premier knockout competition) in our history, a feat which suggests this may be Kingston’s strongest ever side. A bold claim to make, given that the club had tremendous teams in the 1930s (the era of J H Blake and R G Michell) and the 1970s (when a certain John Nunn was let loose upon the world). What we can say for sure is that this is the Kingston club’s third great side.

A hat-trick of Alexander cups has only been achieved by four other clubs: Redhill (2000s), Mitcham (twice – 1980s and 1990s), Richmond (1960s) and Clapham Common (1930s). Clapham Common and Mitcham are now defunct, and Redhill are inactive. Sic transit gloria mundi and all that. But Richmond are still going strong, and we fervently hope to follow their example and survive.

Mitcham won the trophy eight times in 10 years before collapsing in exhaustion. On the evening of the final, John Saunders – a key member of that Mitcham side – was taking photographs and collating results for his wonderfully researched BritBase website. He doubted whether we would emulate Mitcham’s achievement, and frankly I’m not sure we want to. It seems that too much success can kill you.

We had assembled a strong team for the final, played at the Willoughby Arms because Wimbledon kindly waived their right to claim a neutral venue, and were confident until we saw the Wimbledon side. They were about as strong as they could be, with IM Alberto Saurez Real on 1, Russells Granat and Picot on 2 and 3, the sturdy Dan Rosen on 4, dangerous young players in Shahvez Ali and Girinath Haridas in the middle order, and doughty fighters all the way down to the veteran Tony Hughes on board 10. This was not going to be a straightforward night.

Will Taylor had Black on board 7 and decided an early draw would serve our interests. Photograph: John Saunders

There was a result on the board – the whiteboard on the stage in the upstairs playing room at the Willoughby to be precise – almost straightaway. Will Taylor, with Black against Ian Heppell on board 7, agreed a draw in 10 moves in a book Petrov’s Defence position. Solidity personified from Will and a good result to begin, despite Will’s rating advantage. Ian is in any case almost certainly stronger than his rating suggests. This was the pleasingly bishop-heavy position in which peace was declared:

Rather less peaceful events were unfolding on board 4, where the wonderfully fluid and attacking Silverio Abasolo, with White, was giving Dan Rosen a very hard time. Dan boldly played a Pirc, but erred in this position:

Silverio Abasolo played a wonderful attacking game to defeat Dan Rosen on board 4. Photograph: John Saunders

Silverio’s terrific early win put us 1.5-0.5 up, but it was followed by a couple of hours of slog. I was worried for Julian Way, playing a King’s Indian Defence against Sean Ingle on board 9, in the cramped position below after Sean’s 17. f4:

Julian Way had what looked a cramped position, but it quickly resolved itself. Photograph: John Saunders

So far so good. That made it 2-1. Vladimir Li was playing Black on board 1 against Wimbledon’s Spanish IM, Alberto Suarez Real. Alberto opted for a Scotch and a characteristically intense and theory-heavy battle ensued. These two players have met each other on several occasions and clearly have great respect for each other. Black gained a tiny edge, but Alberto equalised and a draw was agreed on move 22 in the level position below:

Alberto Suarez Real (left) and Vladimir Li showed each other great respect and drew. Photograph: John Saunders
David Rowson gained an edge against Girinath Haridas, but a draw was always likely. Photograph: John Saunders

We were in a draw-dominated period of the match, with only Silverio’s quickfire win keeping us ahead. David Rowson gained a tiny edge against Girinath Haridas’s Modern Defence, but nothing significant and it was certainly legitimate to take a draw in the position below where David’s apparently superior coordination is largely illusory:

That made it 3-2 and not long after the score became 3.5-2.5 when Peter Andrews and Tony Hughes also agreed a draw. Peter and Tony know each other’s games well – so well that Peter, with White, departed from his usual opening repertoire and strayed into less familiar lines. This cost him time and he fell behind on the clock, as well as being slightly worse on the board in the final position he recorded (see diagram) before the five-minute rule kicked in:

But Peter is a doughty defender, didn’t panic and held the position with reasonable comfort. We were still only marginally ahead and the final result of the match was far from clear, but there wasn’t the same anxiety as in our previous two Alexander Cup finals – against Battersea last year and Wimbledon the year before. It felt as if we were playing like a professional unit. Perhaps we are getting better at handling these big matches.

Peter Andrews (left) survived time pressure to secure a draw – an important save. Photograph: John Saunders

The Wimbledon fortress was in any case about to be breached. In the space of a few minutes Kingston’s two youngest players – David Maycock on board 2 and Luca Buanne on board 6 – secured the wins that took us beyond five game points and ensured that we would retain the Alexander Cup and complete the much-vaunted hat-trick of titles.

David’s board 2 opponent Russell Granat, a formidable attacking player, had been caught in traffic and arrived just after the half-hour default time. In the circumstances we did not enforce the default, wanting to win fair and square, a decision applauded by our opponents, in particular Russell Picot, who made a point of thanking me. But playing David Maycock is not easy at the best of times, and playing him with Black when you are 35 minutes down on the clock was too much for Russell. David, essaying a Ruy Lopez, did nothing spectacular (unusually for him); he just played immaculate, implacable chess. One over-ambitious pawn push in the position below sealed Russell’s fate:

David Maycock is in superb form and played immaculately against Russell Granat. Photograph: John Saunders

Luca Buanne, with White on board 6, also played a powerful game against Neil Cannon’s Alekhine’s Defence, and was always ahead in the game despite Neil’s valiant attempts to get counterplay. After 35 moves Luca had reached this winning queen and pawn endgame, though it still had to be won, as indeed it was almost 20 moves later.

The wins by David and Luca came in quick succession and secured Kingston’s historic hat-trick of titles – greeted perhaps with relief rather than euphoria by the team’s supporters. That it was achieved by two young players who have only been representing the club since the end of the pandemic was especially satisfying. The Covid shutdown now feels like it facilitated a rebirth. Before then we bumbled along; since then we have been motoring. It could all end tomorrow – “O my MItcham and my Redhill long ago” – but for the moment we savour the success.

Luca Buanne’s superbly played game helped to secure Kingston”s hat-trick of titles. Photograph: John Saunders

That left two games still in progress. Mike Healey, with Black on board 5 against the dangerous junior Shahvez Ali, eschewed his usual creative flights of fantasy, realising that a draw with Black was just what the doctor ordered. He offered a draw in the position below:

It is completely level, but White realised his team needed a win – we had not established an unassailable lead by this point – and persisted in trying to establish an advantage for a dozen more moves. Mike played with great precision, other games went against Wimbledon, and a draw was finally agreed.

Mike Healey eschewed his love of fantastic tactics and secured a vital draw with Black. Photograph: John Saunders

That, inevitably, left Peter Lalić still playing. Peter was under the weather and had spent much of the evening blowing his nose in the storage cupboard. Most players, if they felt unwell, would seek a quick exit, but Peter is sui generis and persisted in trying to win against the wonderfully urbane Russell Picot for more than three hours and precisely 142 moves. If this is Peter ill, imagine Peter well. Long games, for better or worse, are becoming his signature. The game went on late into the night and I was in the bar celebrating, so I must defer to my esteemed colleague Peter Andrews, who was by this point scoring the game in case a threefold repetition was claimed. Peter A takes up the story.

The last game to finish was on board 3. Peter [Lalić] described it as his “Immortal Game”.  Anderssen-Kieseritzky (1851) was so named because the memory of the brilliant final combination was immortal. This time it was not the memory, although Russell Picot may carry the scars for some time, but the game itself which threatened to last for ever.

Friend or foe? One would love to know what Russell Picot’s expression here signifies. Photograph: John Saunders

On the black side of a Botvinnik English, Peter achieved by move 20 the kind of blocked position in which he revels, and skilfully exploited White’s overextended queenside structure to launch a raid with his queen which won the a pawn on move 59 (see diagram below).

But he had to extricate his queen to ensure that it was not trapped, and with the position still blocked it seemed that a draw was inevitable – White offered a draw at least twice. However, the situation was ideal for Lalićian timebuilding – more or less indefinite woodshifting starting with both players on the increment, in which although there should be no breakthrough the under-pressure side has to exercise a little care, in this case to ensure that (1) the black a-pawn could not be pushed or (2) the black queen could not come to f4 without being opposed by the white queen. Not difficult in principle, but the combination of boredom and the requirement for care through an indefinite number of moves at 10 seconds a move may cause tiredness and a momentary loss of concentration.

That eventually occurred on White’s 120th move. Playing on 10-second increments, it may not have been clear what Black’s concentration on the c-file was intended to achieve, with no way to sacrifice the bishop for two pawns and a rook sacrifice being too high a tariff. However, Peter had used his accumulated time for a nice bit of visualisation in the position below:

Thus ends Peter Andrews’ superb analysis of his namesake’s game. I can hear every reader asking, “Why can’t Andrews do all the game analysis rather than the other bloke?” Because frankly he is far too expensive and has better things to do.

The Picot-Lalić epic ended at around 10.45pm. An odd coda in some ways – Peter L, coughing and spluttering but characteristically determined to win a game that had no material impact on the result of the match other than to ensure we won by the in the end comfortable margin of 7-3. In a rapidly emptying playing room, as holders we presented the Alexander Cup to ourselves, with president and non-playing Alexander Cup captain John Foley cradling it . Three years’ hard work was complete. What now? Should we weep for there are no more worlds to conquer? In Surrey anyway.

Club president John Foley displays the trophy in front of the legendary whiteboard. Photograph: John Saunders

Stephen Moss, Secretary, Kingston Chess Club

This was also a league match!

Kingston’s Surrey League division 1 captain, Peter Andrews, writes:

The top eight boards of the Alexander Cup doubled as our postponed home league match against Wimbledon (a future quiz question might be: “How can a chess player be in two places at the same time?” Answer, a home league match and an away cup match are twinned.) Our 6-2 win over those boards meant that we finished with six match points out of eight, half a point (and also half a game point) behind Epsom.

It was naturally disappointing not to repeat last season’s championship and unbeaten record. The early defeats at Guildford, when we were missing some key players, and at home against Epsom, when our very strong side slightly underperformed, left us with too much ground to make up in the second half of the season, despite a fantastic team effort to pull off a win at Wimbledon when we were so depleted that some evoked the spirit of Agincourt. And we had a sense that as defending champions we had targets on our backs, and other clubs did their best to put out their strongest possible sides against us. So six points out of eight was a good effort, and it was particularly satisfying to beat Epsom fairly comfortably in the return match.

We drew on the resources of the whole club: 17 different players turned out at least once. Our mainstays were once again David Maycock (4.5/6) and Peter Lalić (4/7).  Having two such consistent performers on high boards was crucial, and they were aided by the willingness of our other less regular leading lights, Vladimir Li, Silverio Abasolo and Mike Healey, to be flexible around board order so as to facilitate our preparation and frustrate our opponents’. 

But we tended to have a greater rating edge slightly lower down, where David Rowson, liberated from the captaincy, scored 3.5/6, and John Foley 3/5. There were many other solid performances, and Luca Buanne [2.5/3] made an immensely promising debut late in the season. He will be a key component as we refresh the squad next season.

Final division 1 table

David Maycock (Kingston) v Zain Patel (Epsom)

Epsom v Kingston, board 1 in the Lauder Trophy final, played at the Adelaide pub, Teddington on 30 April 2024

David Maycock (pictured above) played this minor masterpiece against the rapidly improving Zain Patel. The game was played in the final of the Lauder Trophy. David departed from his usual king pawn opening and headed towards a simplified position out of the London System. His young opponent was tempted to grab some free pawns on the queenside. With Black’s queen hideously misplaced, David launched a vicious attack which proved decisive.

Zain Patel was unfortunate to meet Kingston’s David Maycock in prime form:. Photograph: John Saunders

Kingston triumph over Epsom to win Lauder Trophy

Epsom v Kingston, Lauder Trophy final, played at the Adelaide pub, Teddington, on 30 April 2024

This was a very satisfying win on many levels. The Lauder Trophy is the competition in which titled players sit alongside relative novices, because captains have to choose a six-board team in which the total ECF ratings do not exceed 10,500 points. That’s an average of 1,750 a board, though you can slice it any way you wish. We were up against the holders of the Lauder Trophy, Epsom, who are always tough, and I’d followed a few hunches in selecting my team.

I had chosen the very highly rated David Maycock on board 1 – in case Epsom had picked any of their posse of IMs (which in the end they didn’t) – and combined him with the experience of Peter Andrews, John Bussmann and Jon Eckert on 2, 3 and 4, and relative newcomers Ergo Nobel and Rob Taylor on 5 and 6. Rob has only played a handful of rated games, so this was a huge test. Even having to notate would have been foreign to him.

David Maycock, Kingston’s board 1, in intense calculation mode. Photograph: John Saunders

The team – and Rob in particular – performed superbly to win the match 4-2 and bring the trophy back to Kingston for the third time in the past five completed seasons (one year was entirely lost to Covid and another stretched over two seasons).

Rob Taylor has played only a handful of rated games, but crucially won on board 6. Photograph: John Saunders

There were some anxious faces among the Kingston contingent for the first hour of the match as games looked to be going against us or were at best level, but David Maycock calmed nerves by winning with a beautiful sacrifice against promising junior Zain Patel on board 1. David’s win is worth looking at in full, not least as it was a rare d4 opening for him. Are we seeing the start of a whole new Maycockian repertoire?

David Maycock (left), FM Vladimir Li and Zain Patel conduct a friendly post-mortem. Photograph: John Saunders

Jon Eckert then got an important draw against another good Epsom junior on board 4. “The game was tricky,” Jon said afterwards, “and I have to admit that the French [Defence] backfired. I saw the drawing idea of exchanging queens, but in doing so I lost all chances of winning and just hoped for an opposite-colour bishops to salvage a draw. Looking up my opponent, I saw that he had won virtually all his recent games. For the team, a draw with Black was not a bad result.”

Jon Eckert drew an important game with Black against a dangerous junior on board 4. Photograph: John Saunders

Jon’s analysis was born out by what unfolded over the next hour. John Bussmann, who has had a long layoff with a back injury this season and barely played competitively, engineered a fine endgame win on board 3. That was a vital win in a game that looked like it could go either way, and it gave us some much-needed breathing space.

John Bussmann, returning from a long layoff with injury, won on board 3. Photograph: John Saunders

The middle game was a ferocious tussle, and Black had the edge for long periods,. In this position, after 23 moves, you would probably have bet on a draw.

But by pushing his h-pawn to create threats on the kingside and then exchanging a rook to make a potential passed c-pawn. John suddenly conjured up an advantage. It was a game of mistaken trades: John erred in exchanging queens, forfeiting much of the advantage he had built up, and his opponent then effectively lost the game by trading the other pair of rooks, eventually leading to this position, which is overwhelming for White.

There was further shuffling as time ran short – John was by now, under the terms of the five-minute rule, not recording moves – but Black’s race was run. The passed b-pawn will now win the game. John’s win made it 2.5-0.5, and we were now fairly confident. Ergo was losing on board 5, but Peter was better on board 2 and Rob was getting on top on board 6.

Rob’s game was initially sticky. “During the game,” he said later, “I saw a weakness in my position where my opponent could have won a pawn and planted a rook firmly in my half of the board. Thankfully, he missed it.” Instead, in a middlegame melee, Rob went a piece up, and after that it was just a case of not doing anything silly.

Rob Taylor (right) gets the better of Nicholas Orphanou to seal the team’s triumph. Photograph: John Saunders

Rob played coolly, won more material and his opponent eventually resigned. What a fairytale! It was Rob, in just his fifth ever rated game, who had had the honour of taking us over the line to victory. While proud of his part in lifting the trophy, however, Rob’s feet are still firmly on the ground as he gets to grips with competitive chess. “I don’t think I will be getting too carried away with my win,” he insisted. Wait until you’ve played at least a dozen rated games before eyeing the British championship.

The Lauder Trophy – which Epsom president Marcus Gosling had brought along to the Adelaide pub, home of the Richmond and Twickenham club and the neutral venue chosen for the final – was ours. There were, though, still the board 2 and 5 games to complete, and both in the end had results which went against the grain of the play for the previous three hours. Ergo Nobel had been under the cosh throughout against yet another capable Epsom junior, Maya Keen, but managed at the death to pull off a miracle save with a perpetual check.

Ergo Nobel looked certain to lose, but found a miracle save with a perpetual. Photograph: John Saunders

I congratulated him on fighting for hours in what looked a lost position. “Everyone I have ever met has told me I was stubborn,” he explained, “so I guess it’s normal for that to transfer to the way I play chess. Although I’d definitely prefer to be stubborn in a winning position.”

Marcus Gosling (left) and Peter Andrews face off in evening sunlight on board 2. Photograph: John Saunders

Peter Andrews, with Black, had had the better position more or less throughout in his board 2 game against Marcus Gosling – the Epsom president was captaining, playing and probably doing the washing up at the pub later (his energy is remarkable) – but often time (or rather the lack of it) takes over, making a mockery of all the careful play that has gone before, and that’s what happened here. This was the position in what might be called “normal” time, when Peter was still recording.

Black still has a small plus, but now in a mutual time scramble Marcus threw all his pieces at Peter (metaphorically speaking) and it paid off. Peter’s king was surrounded and his kingdom fell. Or, as Peter put it, “There were several more moves in a frantic scramble, in the course of which White activated his entire army, Black blundered the g7 pawn, and got mated.”

“The real lesson was psychological,” Peter reflected afterwards. “When the game changes, as it did after Marcus’s sac of two pieces for a rook and again after the sac of an exchange, it takes time to reorientate. After the first change, I still had time on my clock and did that better than my opponent did – hence the attack on g3 which should have been winning. But after the second change with less time I failed to do so, and Marcus seized the initiative, which matters much more than material or machine accuracy in a blitz finish. I never quite managed to reactivate the bishop on h7, whereas he activated everything he had.”

Peter Andrews’ advantage slipped away in the time scramble as his opponent pressed. Photograph: John Saunders

The Epsom president won that battle, and congratulations are due to him for leading from the front, but we triumphed in the war and are happy to have the Lauder back in our possession. Surrey tournament controller Huw Williams (to whom thanks for running the final) did wonder, as he handed me the cup, whether I had done anything to deserve it, having spent most of the evening in the bar, but the Lauder is all about the preparation and the mathematics, and the Kingston abacus had been used to good effect in the weeks leading up to this encounter. What matters in the bunker is as important – perhaps more important – than what happens on the battlefield. That’s my armchair general story anyway.

I receive the trophy from Huw Williams as Marcus Gosling watches on empty handed. Photograph: John Saunders

Stephen Moss, Kingston Lauder Trophy captain

Kingston C continue their winning run

Kingston C v Surbiton D, Thames Valley division X match played at the Willoughby Arms, Kingston, on 29 April 2024

Kingston’s third team maintained their tremendous late-season burst with a win over local rival Surbiton’s fourth team. Colin Lyle won in double-quick time against Shelia Siu on board 4; Jaden Mistry had an excellent victory against Kim Cross on in a lengthy battle on board 3, and Greg Heath got a solid draw against Surbiton captain Phil Goodings on board 2 to seal the win for the team by 2.5-1.5.

Only Ergo Nobel on top board suffered the pain of defeat. His opponent James Lawrence, who seems to have no official Thames Valley rating, has a ECF rating of 1623, so is no slouch, and Ergo was by no means overwhelmed. It was a good workout for Ergo ahead of the Lauder Cup final on the following night, when he would be playing board 5. Third-team captain Stephen Daines pronounced himself well pleased by the win and these end-of-season successes. “Like last season”, he said, “nurturing good players is paying dividends late on.”

Stephen Moss, Kingston Chess Club secretary

Surbiton 1 too strong for Kingston 2 in local derby

Kingston 2 v Surbiton 1, Surrey League division 2 match played at the Willoughby Arms, Kingston on 22 April 2024

There was nothing (except local pride) riding on this match – Surbiton could not catch divisional champions Ashtead and we were safe from relegation – but our neighbours in the borough of Kingston nevertheless brought a strong first team to the Willoughby and were too good for our seconds, running out 5-2 winners. We were nonetheless happy with our four draws, and the other three games were all very well contested, so it was a satisfying evening given the rating disparity between the two teams.

Performance of the night for Kingston came from Jon Eckert, who played with typical élan with Black on board 4 to hold Liam Bayly, despite the latter being rated 250 points above him. Alan Scrimgour drew with the dangerous Altaf Chaudhry on board 3, and David Shalom also secured an excellent draw against Graham Alcock on board 7. Indeed, in the bar afterwards when I congratulated him on the draw against an opponent rated 100 points above him, he looked a little crestfallen at not having pressed home his advantage. I must learn not to seek to limit my players’ expectations. Ratings are only numbers after all.

Our other draw came from David Rowson in the battle of the Davids – his opponent was the highly rated David Scott – on board 1. David R played a Caro-Kann to which David S responded with a very solid set-up, and after some complicated middlegame jostling a draw was agreed in the position below, where White has a small edge because of Black’s pawn islands.

“I think I should have played on as I had a bit of an advantage,” David said later with typical honesty, “but I was getting tired after trying to work out what was going on previously. Neither of us completely understood what was going on.”

There was a fascinating clash of the captains on board 5 – Kingston skipper Gregor Smith with White against his opposite number Nick Faulks. Gregor played the Smith-Morra Gambit (how could a Smith play anything else?) against Nick’s Sicilian and really went for it. We will show the game in full.

The other two games also resulted in losses, but both were extremely tight encounters. Nick Grey was beaten by Andrew Boughen on board 6, extra pawns in a minor piece endgame deciding the issue, and Surbiton’s ever creative Jasper Tambini got the better of Julian Way in a high-level match-up on board 2. Julian played a sharp response to Jasper’s Ruy Lopez, and after 11 moves he had a slight edge in the position below.

But Jasper is a fine tactician and made imaginative use of his knights on the kingside while threatening a pawn storm on the queenside. He built up a solid advantage and eventually found a winning tactic to seal the deal. That gave Surbiton a well-deserved 5-2 victory in a match played in an excellent spirit between two clubs who have mastered the art of friendly local rivalry.

Stephen Moss, Kingston captain in Surrey League division 2

Final table

Kingston B beat Hounslow A to maintain promotion push

Kingston B v Hounslow A, Thames Valley division 2 match played at the Willoughby Arms, Kingston, on 18 April 2024

This was a remarkably professional win by Kingston B over Hounslow A, and it suddenly (and rather surprisingly) puts the Bs in a good position to win promotion and join the A team in division 1 of the Thames Valley League. Whether we really want two teams in the top division is another matter, but we probably have to go for it and see if we can cope next season if we do get there.

In this match everyone played their part, even me! I managed a quick draw against Hounslow captain (and Thames Valley chair) David White on board 3, finally abandoning my hopeless Scandinavian in favour of the Caro-Kann, which at least appears to have the virtue of solidity. We shall see.

Charlie Cooke drew on board 6 against promising junior Vibhush Pusapadi, and Gregor Smith got the third draw of the night against JJ Padam, though the Kingston captain looked slightly disappointed at not being able to convert his pawn advantage in a blocked position. Meanwhile on board 5, Nick Grey continued his excellent recent run with a well-controlled win with Black over Eugene Gregorio, who always seems to play at blitz speed and may, Nick thought, have missed a chance to win the exchange in his desire to crack on with the game.

The encounters on the two top boards were interesting struggles, both eventually going Kingston’s way to make the final score in the match an emphatic 4.5-1.5. Peter Andrews provided a helpful summary of his game against Hounslow veteran Leon Fincham: “I retained an edge through a typically tense opening, and my opponent’s thematic opening of the position was unsound. There was a flurry of tactics, at the end of which I had a material advantage and the safer king, so could mop up safely even with little time on my clock.”

Peter pinpoints this as the key position and the moment on which the game turned. Black has just played 16…f5, the expected move in a King’s Indian-type position:

Julian Way also won a very nice game on board 1, demonstrating once again what a top-class endgame player he is. We join the game after White’s 28th move – coincidentally another f5!? White’s attack looks somewhat scary, but Black has it all under control.

A very encouraging evening and a fine result for Kingston and for Gregor, who will be giving up the captaincy when he decamps to Oxfordshire in the summer. He will be sorely missed at Kingston as organiser, assistant secretary, captain and all-round good guy, but one hopes he will stay in touch from afar. Maybe he could even play in Maidenhead!

Whether his legacy will be getting Kingston B into division 1 of the Thames Valley League will depend on his team’s final match of the season – the crunch derby with Surbiton B on 29 April. As the league table (see below under the match scorecard) shows, that really will be a zero-sum clash. With Richmond B almost certain to beat bottom-of-the-table Staines in their last match, whoever wins the Kingston-Surbiton encounter will get promotion while the loser is likely to be squeezed into third place (with just two teams promoted). It should be quite a night as we mark Gregor’s departure.

Stephen Moss, Kingston Chess Club secretary

Kingston 2 hold Div 2 champions Ashtead to draw

Ashtead 1 v Kingston 2, Surrey League division 2 match played at Ashtead Peace Memorial Hall on 16 April 2024

We are safe! From relegation in division 2 of the Surrey League that is. In fact, we were already before this match because South Norwood 1 beat Coulsdon 2 on the previous evening to leave Coulsdon stranded in bottom place. But getting a 3.5-3.5 draw with Ashtead, runaway winners in the division and on course to take their place in division 1 next season, emphatically made the point that we deserved to stay up.

It was a very solid performance from a team of Kingston stalwarts. The president, John Foley, got an early draw with Black against the highly rated Dan Rosen on board 2, and the also outrated Jon Eckert drew with Bertie Barlow on board 5. Jon compromised his pawn structure to build a very promising attack, but Bertie neutralised it well and peace was eventually declared.

Peter Andrews had White against Phil Brooks on board 1 and, conscious of the disparity in ratings and the way the match might pan out, played a very solid English opening which led to a draw in the position below. He was ahead on the clock, which may have influenced his opponent’s decision, and on his part was conscious that he had two other important matches later in the week, so preserving energy was important. Peter called it a “cynical” draw, but let’s call it a canny and very useful one against a strong player.

John Bussmann was in early trouble against the experienced Jonathan Hinton on board 4. The Ashtead player sacrificed the exchange for a big attack, and it proved well-judged, with his pieces combining irresistibly to overwhelm John’s king. John is making his way back into competitive chess after a long layoff and this was a tough outing.

At this point Ashtead had the advantage, though Nick Grey on board 7 with White against Adrian Waldock had established a passed c-pawn and had good chances in what was shaping up to be a tricky endgame. I thought I was drawing against Tom Barton on board 6, but as so often my poor endgame technique was letting me down and a few imprecise moves, not helped by time trouble, left me struggling to hold the position.

The key game was the board 3 encounter between Kingston chair Alan Scrimgour and Seb Galer. The two are old adversaries, and Galer was determined to avenge a previous defeat – perhaps too determined because it may be that he overreached himself. Seb played a Pirc – and played it perkily. This key early position was reached:

Alan’s win made it 2.5-2.5 and left me and Nick struggling with our respective endgames. I lost mine rather miserably – back, for the umpteenth time, to the drawing board – but Nick was well ahead on the clock and playing confidently. Eventually his opponent cracked, and Nick had a memorable win to draw the match. As we left, the vanquished Adrian Waldock and his Ashtead team-mates were still poring over the final few moves of his game and looking for ways to save it. Too late, I’m afraid. We are on the way home, happy to share the spoils against the division two champions.

Stephen Moss, Kingston captain in Surrey League division 2

Daines leads from front as third team win again

Surbiton D v Kingston C, Thames Valley division X match played at Fircroft, Surbiton on 8 April 2024

The whooshing continues. Two days after beating Richmond E, the Kingston third team put Surbiton D to the sword in an away match at the refurbished Fircroft, where Surbiton have happily been reinstalled this season after a couple of years’ absence during the restoration. It was a very professional 2.5-1.5 win, with Kingston C captain Stephen Daines on this occasion putting himself in the team and enjoying an important victory on board 4.

Charlie Cooke was first to finish, winning smoothly against James Lawrence. Stephen made it 2-0 with a controlled victory against Shelia Siu, rook domination allowing him to drive home a passed pawn. But Sean Tay, having played an ambitious (but completely sound) early sacrifice against Kim Cross, then miscalculated in a key position, missed forced mate and went down to a 49-move defeat which he said as he left would guarantee him a sleepless night. The opening and Sean’s marvellous missed opportunity is worth looking at (though not necessarily worth endlessly replaying in your mind in the early hours of the morning!).

Sean’s defeat left securing victory in the hands of the reliable Ergo Nobel on board 2, and he did not disappoint, fending off Phil Goodings’ queen-and-knight attack (often a fatal combination) and earning the draw which gave Kingston the match by 2.5-1.5. Another excellent performance by a well-marshalled and highly motivated team.

Stephen Moss, Kingston Chess Club secretary

Victorious Kingston C on the march

Kingston C v Richmond E, Thames Valley division X match played at the Willoughby Arms, Kingston on 8 April 2024

“We are whooshing!,” said triumphant Kingston captain Stephen Daines after this 3-1 win against Richmond E, which backed up last week’s victory by Kingston 4 away to South Norwood. What he meant was that the players in our third and fourth teams, many of whom have been introduced to competitive over-the-board chess this season, are now finding their feet and starting to produce excellent results.

Stephen, seen in the photograph above watching his players in their four-board match, sees his role as nurturing new talent, and has done a great job this season juggling three teams across almost 30 matches. Three of the four Kingston players in this match are new to the club this season, and the team did well to beat some match-hardened opponents.

Leon Mellor-Sewell with Black lost to the highly rated Alex Shard on board 1, losing the thread as his Sicilian Defence moved into the middlegame. But his three team-mates all won. Robin Kerremans and Greg Heath beat Richmond veterans Laurie Catling and Julian Bedale, and David Bickerstaff defeated the higher-rated Thomas Brand. Truly a result to send Captain Daines to the bar in a happy frame of mind.

Stephen Moss, Kingston Chess Club secretary