Kingston C v Surbiton D, Thames Valley division X match played at the Willoughby Arms, Kingston, on 29 April 2024
Kingston’s third team maintained their tremendous late-season burst with a win over local rival Surbiton’s fourth team. Colin Lyle won in double-quick time against Shelia Siu on board 4; Jaden Mistry had an excellent victory against Kim Cross on in a lengthy battle on board 3, and Greg Heath got a solid draw against Surbiton captain Phil Goodings on board 2 to seal the win for the team by 2.5-1.5.
Only Ergo Nobel on top board suffered the pain of defeat. His opponent James Lawrence, who seems to have no official Thames Valley rating, has a ECF rating of 1623, so is no slouch, and Ergo was by no means overwhelmed. It was a good workout for Ergo ahead of the Lauder Cup final on the following night, when he would be playing board 5. Third-team captain Stephen Daines pronounced himself well pleased by the win and these end-of-season successes. “Like last season”, he said, “nurturing good players is paying dividends late on.”
Stephen Moss, Kingston Chess Club secretary