
Membership fees for 2024-25

The annual club subscription is £40.

New members should belong to or join the English Chess Federation in order to be eligible for selection for a team. Membership of the ECF at bronze level costs £18 per year. Those players who play competitively for Kingston against other teams will receive a rating from the English Chess Federation. The ups and downs of your rating – the ECF now updates it on a monthly basis – is a handy barometer of your chess progress (or, of course, regress). In chess, you have to learn to treat triumph and disaster, impostors both, with equanimity. This is perhaps the hardest thing to learn and to do in chess. Lose with grace, and, even more importantly, win with grace.

The club has a democratic constitution: Kingston Chess Club Constitution

We have a Code of Conduct for Members

We have a COVID-19 policy.

If you’d like to join Kingston Chess Club, please use the following form below, which uses our membership management platform, MemberMojo. Existing members looking to renew, please use the “Sign In” option.

If you have any questions, contact us on [email protected].